Simply honest. It is not only our basic philosophy; simply honest is also our business model and innovation code: easy, transparent, accessible and friendly.

Our Values

SaveBroker was founded on the idea of democratizing trading. 

We managed to democratize trading, and make it accessible and easier – but there is always more we can offer our customers.

We were the first to offer a true online trading platform where you could not lose more than what you invested.

We continued innovating – offering valuable trading tools and conditions such as guaranteed stop loss, inside viewer, Freeze Rate – and our most innovative tool yet: dealCancellation*.

"Our goal is to keep traders safe especially when trading in such volatile conditions. The Brexit event was the perfect scenario for us to show that we honour our promises to our traders"

Innovating since 2021

SaveBroker has been serving its customers since 2021. From the very beginning, we have strived to offer our clients the most innovative products, tools and services.

5 Star Customer Rating

Since 2021 SaveBroker has strived to offer the highest level of customer support possible with exclusive risk management tools, 24/5 customer support and conditions which help our traders.

Trade On Mobile

SaveBroker's innovative and intuitive trading app allows you to trade on any iOS or Android device, giving you access to markets anywhere, anytime.

Start trading with SaveBroker

A broker you can trust